Monday, September 7, 2009

Adios Summer, I'll miss you......

So, it is Labor Day weekend and the last hooray before summer starts to offically come to an end. It's been a cool summer and I've been loving it. The last time I remember it being this cool was in 2004. That summer was very memorable for me since it was the first summer I had with my new baby. That baby is now in kindergarten but we had a very active summer that year. We walked every single day. He is still an active kid and I have always felt it was because of how much time we spent outside in those first few months of his life.

I am back to scrapbooking and back with that is the obsession with pattern paper. I've been to the scrapbooking store and spent some $$$ on new paper. What is it about paper? I can't have enough. One of the things I have noticed lately is my lack of paper that is appropriate for boys. I am so obsessed with floral patterns. What the heck am I gonna do with loads and loads of flower paper when I have boys!

Well summer, good-bye, I will try not to cry. Now I will look forward to all the things along the way during our journey back to summertime. One of the big ones is our trip to Sanibel Island this winter. It is one of my favorite places ever.

Here are a few pictures from this weekend.

1 comment:

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

AWESOME photos Traci...and I here U on the paper issue....before Brookie was born...I had soooooooooooooo much pink stuff....and ummmmmmm yeah....I have Adam!!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

A Bowl Full of Boys

A Bowl Full of Boys

The Nicholas at the end of the tunnel

The Nicholas at the end of the tunnel